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Undergraduate Study

A picture of the cave art in the Cuevas de los Manos in Argentina. It shows a cave wall with handprints across it in red, black and brown.

Are you intrigued by what it means to be human?

Fascinated by subjects that help us understand ourselves and our place in the world?

Join the Fellows of Queens' College to explore Arts and Humanities subjects through our online taster sessions. Discover how a degree in one of these subjects can help you understand and have an impact on the world in which we live. 

The sessions are suitable for students in their penultimate year of education (Year 12 in England, Year 13 in Northern Ireland, S5 in Scotland).

The following subjects are available:

Music (Wednesday February 12th, 5pm)

Linguistics (Monday February 17th, 6pm)

Education (Wednesday February 19th, 5pm)

English (Monday February 24th, 5pm)

Theology, Religion & Philosophy of Religion (Wednesday February 26th, 5pm)

Modern and Medieval Languages (Wednesday March 5th, 4pm)

Archaeology (Monday March 10th, 5pm)

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Wednesday March 12th, 5pm)


To register your interest visit:



Date and time

Monday, 17 February 2025 (6:00pm) to Wednesday, 12 March 2025 (6:00pm)


Year 12 (Y13 NI / S5 Scotland)
International students
Teachers and advisers
Open to all UK schools

Online event
College event


Deadline: Tuesday, 11 March 2025 (5:00pm)

Contact and more info

Olivia O'Neill and Cathy Wardle