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Undergraduate Study

Students attending the 2023 Summer Residential

The Summer Residential is aimed at students in Year 12 (S5 in Scotland, Year 13 in Northern Ireland) who are considering studying a course within the arts or humanities at university. It will provide successful applicants with the opportunity to explore a number of subjects in more depth, get a taste of life at Cambridge, meet current students and staff, and find out more about the application process and Cambridge as a city. We hope that students who participate will get a real taste of university life, and a better understanding of what they can do now to prepare themselves for this step.


  • 7th - 10th July 2025

Subjects included

This summer school is relevant to anyone considering one of the following courses: Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic; Archaeology; Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; Classics; Education; English; History; History and Modern Languages; History and Politics; History of Art; Human, Social, and Political Sciences; Law; Linguistics; Philosophy; Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion.


Applications will open in early 2025. Click here to express your interest and be notified when bookings are made live.


Eligibility criteria include currently attending a state school in the UK, and being on track to attain a minimum of:

  • A*AA at A level 
  • As in Scottish Highers (with the intention of taking three Advanced Highers in S6)
  • 776 at Higher Level (International Baccalaureate)
There are a number of eligibility criteria that are considered when selecting successful applicants. Find out more about Eligibility requirements here.



Pembroke College

Date and time

Monday, 7 July 2025 (9:00am) to Thursday, 10 July 2025 (5:00pm)


Year 12 (Y13 NI / S5 Scotland)
State school only
Eligibility criteria applies



Contact and more info

Libby Prodger, Schools Liaison Officer