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Undergraduate Study

 Three St John’s students in conversation sitting on the steps of New Court.

St John’s College are pleased to be running our free-to-attend series of online prospective applicant Q&A sessions in July. These Subject Admissions Clinics are aimed at students who will be submitting their Cambridge application by the October deadline this year. These Q&A sessions are delivered by a member of the St John's Admissions team, Director of Studies, and a current undergraduate student in the subject. 


Online (via Zoom)

Date and time

Thursday, 18 July 2024 (6:00pm)


Year 13 (Y14 NI / S6 Scotland)
Year 12 (Y13 NI / S5 Scotland)
International students
Open to all UK schools

Online event
College event


Bookings are no longer being taken for this event. The event may be fully booked or already have taken place.

Contact and more info

St John's College