Magdalene College is running a series of information and Q&A webinars to help support you with your application. A member of the admissions team will offer guidance on both admissions assessments and interviews, tailored to specific courses.
The interview workshops will also feature current students who will reflect on their own interview experience and offer advice. The webinars are a fantastic opportunity to ask any questions you have, and gain reassurance about the admissions process.
4th November 2024 17:00-18:00 - Webinar for Biological Sciences Interviews
4th November 2024 18:30-19:30 - Webinar for Physical Sciences Interviews
6th November 2024 17:00-18:00 - Webinar for Arts and Humanities Interviews
The webinars are intended for Year 13 students attending state-maintained schools in the UK or Isle of Man, who are currently preparing an application to the University of Cambridge.
Sign-ups will close at 09:00 on the day of each event.
Date and time