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Undergraduate Study

Natural Sciences webinar

A Trinity Hall Fellow will be leading the session, discussing the key features of the Natural Sciences course including teaching and assessment style, as well as the qualities applicants need to have success with this subject. One of our current students will be on hand to discuss their experience applying for and studying the course, with time for a Q&A session at the end.

This webinar is open to students, teachers, parents and supporters. 



Date and time

Tuesday, 14 January 2025 (5:00pm to 6:00pm)


Year 12 (Y13 NI / S5 Scotland)
Year 11 (Y12 NI / S4 Scotland)
Parents and supporters
Teachers and advisers

Online event
College event


Bookings are no longer being taken for this event. The event may be fully booked or already have taken place.

Contact and more info

Xanthe Robertson, Access and Recruitment Officer