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Undergraduate Study


We regularly run free webinars for school students who are targeting university and who may be considering making an Oxbridge application. These will be delivered by Sidney Sussex admissions staff and will also feature College undergraduates and academic staff to provide a full picture of life at the College and the University of Cambridge.

Topics covered will be aimed at KS4 and KS5 (or equivalents), but anyone is free to attend these sessions (students, teachers, parents etc.) and can book a place by following the link-they will then be sent an invitation to the Zoom webinar.

The webinars will be taking place throughout 2023 and every session will be repeated 3 times. After every webinar you will receive an email with the recording of the session.

In October, we will discuss admissions assessments and putting the final touches on your university application.

You may also find it helpful to attend one of our monthly Q and A sessions.

Full details of our Q and A and Webinar Series can be found here:



Date and time

Monday, 2 October 2023 (4:00pm to 5:00pm)


Year 13 (Y14 NI / S6 Scotland)
Year 12 (Y13 NI / S5 Scotland)
Year 11 (Y12 NI / S4 Scotland)
Year 10 (Y11 NI / S3 Scotland)
Parents and supporters
Teachers and advisers


Bookings are no longer being taken for this event. The event may be fully booked or already have taken place.

Contact and more info

Maria Kazani