At the University, we offer a wide range of support for all our students, including those with caring responsibilities. If you care for a family member or friend, whether that’s due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or addiction, you can access help and advice both before you apply to the University and once you join us as a student.
Our applying pages feature information about the Cambridge application process. This includes details of our Extenuating Circumstances Form which can be used to declare significant caring responsibilities. It is important that you let us know about these so that we can assess your academic profile in the appropriate context.
Accommodation and residency requirement
If you have ongoing caring responsibilities, it’s important that you find out more about living at the University before you decide whether to make an application. We do have a residency requirement – during term time, students are expected to live in College accommodation, unless they’ve been given permission to live elsewhere in Cambridge. You can discuss your particular situation with any College admissions office before applying.
Financial support
We offer financial support at both University and College level, including the Cambridge Bursary Scheme.
Mature students and student parents
Mature students can access the same support and advice as our standard age students. You can find more details about life as a mature student and the support available for students with children on our webpage.